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6 Mar 2023

The impact of “freedom day” on COVID-19 health protective behaviour...

Davies R., Martin A.F., Smith L.E., Mowbray F., Woodland L., Amlôt R. and Rubin G.J.

13 Feb 2023

Psychosocial factors affecting COVID-19 vaccine uptake in the UK: A...

Smith LE, Sim J, Cutts M, Dasch H, Amlôt R, Sevdalis N, Rubin GJ and Sherman SM

23 Jan 2023

Observed and self-reported COVID-19 health protection behaviours on a...

Davies R., WeinmanJ. and Rubin G.J.

20 Jan 2023

Knowledge of Self-Isolation Rules in the UK for Those Who Have...

Smith LE, West R, Potts HWW, Amlȏt R, Fear NT, Rubin GJ and Michie S

27 Dec 2022

Parents’ intention to vaccinate their child for COVID-19: A mixed-...

Smith LE, Sherman SM, Sim J, Amlôt R, Cutts M, Dasch H, Sevdalis N and Rubin GJ

26 Dec 2022

A social identity perspective on interoperability in the emergency...

Davidson L, Carter H, Amlôt R, Drury J, Haslam SA, Radburn M and Stott C

22 Dec 2022

A qualitative study about how families coped with managing their well...

Woodland L, Hodson A, Webster RK, Amlôt R, Smith LE and Rubin GJ

19 Dec 2022

Representativeness, Vaccination Uptake, and COVID-19 Clinical...

Leston M, Elson WH, Watson C, Lakhani A,  Aspden C, Bankhead CR, Borrow R, Button E, Byford R, Elliot AJ, Fan X, Hoang U, Linley E, Macartney J, Nicholson BD, Okusi C, Ramsay M, Smith G, Smith S, ...

8 Dec 2022

Prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder and common mental...

Scott HR, Stevelink SAM, Gafoor R, Lamb D, Carr E, Bakolis I, Bhundia R, Docherty MJ, Dorrington S, Gnanapragasam S, Hegarty S, Hotopf M, Madan I, McManus S, Moran P, Souliou E, Raine R, Razavi R,...

7 Dec 2022

Estimating hospital admissions due to respiratory syncytial virus in...

Bardsley M, Morbey RA, Hughes HE, Beck CR, Watson CH, Zhao H, Smith GE & Elliot AJ