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Teenagers and vaccinations
9 October, 2023
We are looking for 12–15-year-olds who have said "no thanks" or "not yet" to vaccines, to tell us what they think about vaccines and side effects and would love to hear from you!
Lots of researchers have asked adults, parents, doctors or nurses what they think about teenagers receiving vaccinations, but not many people have actually asked the teenagers themselves. We want to change that!
We’re inviting teenagers in school years 8, 9 or 10 in England to chat to a researcher for about 30 minutes and answer our questions. You can chat on your own in in a pair with a friend but your parents/guardians won’t be on the call as we want to hear YOUR opinion. Your opinions matter. What's most important is that we hear what you really think.
What would I have to do?
The chat will be on Microsoft Teams, on the telephone or in person, and will last for about 30 minutes (a bit longer if you’re in a pair). We’ll ask you some questions about your experiences of being offered vaccines, how you and your family decide about whether to have vaccines, and what you think about vaccine side effects. There are no right or wrong answers and we’re not trying to persuade you to have vaccinations, we just want to know what you think.
If you take part in a chat with us, we’ll give you a £20 Amazon voucher to thank you for your time.
I’m in, how do I sign up?
- Teenagers – complete the screening survey here. We will choose participants based on the information you give us in the survey. This is to make sure that as broad a range of teenage voices as possible are included in this research.
- Read and discuss the information sheets together. The parent version is here and the version for teenagers is here. Got any questions? Email
- Return the consent and assent forms to (make sure that a parent or guardian is always included in emails to us).
- We’ll get back to you within a month and let you know if you’ve been selected to take part.