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New Study: Protecting your child against flu
10 July, 2019

We are looking for English speaking parents or guardians of children born between September 1st 2008 and August 31st 2017 to complete a study investigating whether changing the ‘Protecting your child against flu’ leaflet affects parents’ intentions to vaccinate their child for flu and their perceptions about the vaccine. This will be a 15-minute anonymous survey, completed online. To thank you for taking part, we will donate £5 to your choice of charity; either Save the Children, the NSPCC or Evelina London Children’s Hospital.
We would like to invite you to take part in our study investigating parental intentions to vaccinate their child for flu and side-effect expectations. The study has been approved by the King’s College London Psychiatry Nursing and Midwifery Research Ethics Committee (reference number: LRS-18/19-12008).
Taking part in the survey would involve completing a 15-minute anonymous survey which would ask you some demographic questions about yourself and your child as well as whether the child was vaccinated for flu in the 2018/19 season. We will show you a version of the ‘Protecting your child against flu’ leaflet. We will then ask you about your intentions to vaccinate your child for flu, whether you expect your child to experience side-effects from the vaccine, and how believable you think the leaflet is.
You can take part if you are 18 or older, speak fluent English and are the parent or guardian of a child born between September 1st 2008 and August 31st 2017.
If you decide to take part, you can complete the survey online at your convenience. This will take approximately 15 minutes.
As a thank you for taking part, upon your completion of the questionnaire, we will donate £5 to one of three charities (either Save the Children, the NSPCC, or Evelina London Children’s Hospital).
If you would like to take part in, or would like more information about the study, please go to or contact Louise Smith (