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Louise Davidson

Theme 2 - Resilience
Public Health England
Louise is a PhD student at the Univeristy of Sussex and the UK Heath Security Agency. Louise’s research is focussed on interoperability during multi-agency response where she seeks to better understand how responders from the Police, Fire and Rescue, and Ambulance Services are able to work together during a joint response. Specifically, Louise is applying the Social Identity Approach to understand the psycholgocial processes that might underpin interoperability, with the aim of improving interoperability in the future.
Before beginning her PhD, Louise completed an MSc in Investigative and Forensic Psychology at the University of Liverpool, before working as a Research Assistant in the Behavioural Science Team at Public Health England. Whilst working as a research assistant, Louise worked on a number of projects within the team, including the PHOENIX project, a human volunteer trial to evaluate the efficacy of emergency decontamination protocols for chemical incidents, and the PROACTIVE project, a Horizon 2020 funded project looking at preparedness against CBRNe threats. Louise continues to work in the Behavioural Science and Insights Unit at the UK Health Security Agency while completing her PhD.