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Julii Brainard
Senior Research Associate
Theme 4 - Novel technologies
University of East Anglia
Dr Julii Brainard is a Senior Research Associate in modelling public health threats and has diverse experience using quantitative methods in social science research. In the previous HPRU she undertook systematic reviews on ways to catch Ebola, how much Ebola virus is in bodily fluids of actively ill or recovering persons, whether facemasks might be protective against COVID-19, risk factors for communicable disease outbreaks in humanitarian emergencies, the incubation period for E. Coli infections and transmission pathways for sporadic E. Coli infections. She contributed to a quasi-experimental study on COVID-19 lockdown measures in Europe or the USA, modelled virus deactivation in waste water, built models to understand how fake news might spread and affect a contagious disease outbreak, identified factors that influence treatment-seeking for gastrointestinal illness. She has particular expertise in using scenario development workshops to improve preparedness for complex adverse events and built models to understand how fake news might spread and affect a contagious disease outbreak. Recently she has supported unit research to identify factors that could influence monkeypox spread and explore ways to improve resilience in the NHS with innovative pathway management and improved access to preventive healthcare.