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Alex Elliot

Consultant epidemiologist
Theme 4 - Novel technologies
Public Health England
Dr Elliot works as a consultant epidemiologist for the UK Heath Security Agency Real-time Syndromic Surveillance Team. He is the national lead for syndromic surveillance and has over 15 years’ experience of establishing national real-time syndromic systems and delivering a real-time service. These systems provide information on community illness in ‘real-time’ to support public health incidents such as: COVID-19; seasonal GI and respiratory activity; mass gatherings; and environmental events such as flooding/air pollution/heatwaves. The national and local outputs from the suite of syndromic surveillance systems are widely used by PHE and other organisations. Alex has over 100 peer review publications and book chapters within the field of syndromic surveillance. He is currently supervising a number of PhD students and holds an Honorary Associate Professorship at the University of Warwick.