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The Measure of All-hazards Preparedness (MAP)
What is it:
The Measure of All-hazards Preparedness (MAP) is a cross-sectional online survey designed by researchers at King’s College London and the UK Health Security Agency as a measure to assess nationwide risk perceptions, preparedness for, resilience to, and communication preferences in relation to extreme events. The MAP launched in 2022, reporting on a sample of 5,148 participants, aged 18 or over and living in the UK. The sample aims to be nationally representative, with quotas on age, gender and NUTS1 UK region according to the latest Office for National Statistics mid-year population estimates (ONS, 2022); on disability according to estimates from the Family Resources Survey (DWP, 2022); and on social grade according to the 2011 Census (ONS, 2022). Data collection was arranged via Savanta with participants drawn from their existing online panel. Data collection occurred from 11th July 2022 – 12th September 2022.
How we are using it:
The dataset provides opportunities to publish and peer review papers (and subsequent policy briefings) on a range of issues surrounding disaster preparedness and response. Future iterations of the MAP can provide comparison points; at present it offers a baseline measure for contextualising assessment of risk reduction projects (e.g. Emergency Alerting). Via a funded PhD project (2021-2025), we have completed studies around health inequalities in extreme events, with particular focus on preparedness and use of terminology for reducing disparate public health risks.
The results of the MAP may overestimate engagement or knowledge about disasters, as participation may indicate higher interest and engagement with the topic of extreme events. The data are solely self-reported, and may not accurately represent people who may struggle to access or complete an online survey.
The MAP was previously referred to as the Extreme Events Resilience Index (EERI) in draft materials.